Italy Eating Disorder Treatment Resources & Information

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Italy’s Eating Disorder Treatment programs strive to make mental health care more easily accessible and reduce the stigma surrounding eating disorders.

Italy Eating Disorder Treatment Organizations & Charities

Psicoterapicamente LogoPSICOTERAPICAmente

PSICOTERAPICAmente is the Psychology and Psychotherapy center based in Naples, Milan, and Varese, where a multidisciplinary team works with the aim of listening and providing specific and personalized responses to all forms of psychological and existential distress, deeply aware that behind the distress first of all there are people, who have different stories and needs.

Villa Garda ImageVilla Garda Hospital

Riccardo Dalle Grave is the Head of the Department of Eating and Weight Disorders at Villa Garda Hospital, Garda (VR), Italy. Villa Garda is a clinic founded in the 1920s. It is situated in a valley, surrounded by hills that slope down towards the town of Garda, which is situated on the eastern bank of Lake Garda in the province of Verona. The Clinic falls within the remit of the Veneto Region Local Health Unit (ULSS 22).

woman reading bookEating disorders in Italy: A historical review

This paper reviews the history of medical knowledge of eating disorders in Italy. It starts with the first examples of the medical interpretation of starvation during the Middle and Renaissance Ages, continues with the seminal figure of Brugnoli in the late XIX century, describes the neurological interpretations of the 1930s, the return to psychiatry in the 1940s and 1950s, the rise to international prominence of Mara Selvini Palazzoli in the 1960s and 1970s and ends with a description of the present state of the art. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.
Read more here.

StatisticsNumber of facilities to treat eating disorders in Italy as of 2021, by region

As of year-end 2021, there were a total of 91 facilities to treat eating disorders across the whole Italian territory. This statistic breaks the number of eating disorder treatment facilities down by region where these structures were located. According to the data, Emilia-Romagna was the region hosting the highest number of such facilities, with 16. Campania followed with 10. This statistic takes into account only eating disorder treatment facilities operated by the Italian National Health System. Read more here.