Steroid Use and Male Athletes with Eating Disorders

Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope

Eating disorders commonly occur with other types of mental illness, including mood disorders, personality disorders, behavioral issues and substance abuse. It is not uncommon to see an eating disorder, such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa develop alongside substance abuse, such as alcoholism or prescription drug addiction, to name a couple examples.

For the male athlete who may be struggling with an eating disorder, another form of substance abuse that can occur within this population is steroid abuse. Male athletes competing at the professional, collegiate, or high school level may experience increased pressures to attain a particular body type and/or perform at a certain level of achievement.

How Rigid Regiments Can Spiral Out of Control

For some male athletes, rigid food and exercise regiments may progress into an eating disorder, which is a serious mental health issue that can increase risk of health consequences and mortality.

Individuals who experience co-occurring disorders, such as the male athlete struggling with an eating disorder and steroid abuse, there are many overlapping factors that influence these types of behaviors. The persistent need to abuse a substance or continually engage in destructive eating habits is often linked to maladaptive changes in the brain, environmental stressors, and social triggers.

Overlapping Eating Disorders and Steroid Abuse

Overlapping eating disorder and steroid abuse behaviors can produce dangerous risks, including cardiovascular disease and heart failure, electrolyte imbalance, gastrointestinal distress, sleep disorders, seizures/strokes and more.

swimmer-583667_640Intervening these behaviors with professional treatment is crucial to preventing physical, emotional, and psychological destruction.

Guiding Loved Ones to Recovery Resources

If you have a male athlete in your life who might be struggling with an eating disorder and steroid abuse, it is essential to guide them to the necessary resources and help they need to overcome these dangerous disorders.

While it may be difficult for an athlete to temporarily leave the sport they love, taking the time to get the necessary treatment will enable them to flourish and live to their fullest potential. If you are in need of treatment resources, visit Eating Disorder Hope for more information and referral sources.

Community Discussion – Share your thoughts here!

What unique challenges do male athletes face in regards to eating disorders and steroid use? What resources could be helpful in supporting the male athlete as they embark on their athletic journey?

Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on June 2nd, 2015
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