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Overcoming Fear Foods – Males and Eating Disorder Recovery
Contributor: Crystal Karges, MS, RDN, IBCLC, Special Projects Coordinator at Eating Disorder Hope
Eating disorder treatment for males involves multiple components that help address the complex factors that surround these mental illnesses. One important part of recovery from an eating disorder, be it anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder, is nutritional stabilization and rehabilitation.
A man who has struggled with an eating disorder will often have a poor and unhealthy relationship with food and his body. This is typically a result of eating disorder behaviors that manipulate food intake and regulation, including restricting, bingeing and purging, food rituals, compulsive exercise, and more.
While psychotherapy methods are a helpful and important part of eating disorder recovery, learning how to renegotiate a relationship with food is also an essential component of healing.
Achieving a Need Sense of Control with an Eating Disorder
When entrenched in a battle against an eating disorder, manipulating food often becomes a way of achieving sense of control. One way of creating a sense of control is by having a list of “good” foods and “bad” foods. With an overwhelming number of food choices available, it is easier to eliminate foods determined to be “bad” or “unhealthy”.
For the man who may be struggling with an eating disorder, this decision may be formed on a dieting trend, something read in a magazine, advice given from a well-meaning friend or family member, or article circulating on social media.
Embracing All Foods as a Part of Nutrition
Embracing and neutralizing all foods is a critical component of recovery and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Through nutritional rehabilitation, it is possible to gain exposure to foods that were once feared. Incorporating these foods as part of a healthy diet can help this process.
Working with a registered dietitian as part of a treatment team for recovery from an eating disorder can be helpful in learning the basics of foods, overcoming fears of food that may be irrational, and learning to eat intuitively again.
Eating Disorder Recovery Is a Process
Eating disorder recovery is something that progresses over time, and with practice and dedication, even the most intense fears of food can be overcome. By utilizing support from health professionals, men struggling with an eating disorder can find help, healing, and restoration.
Community Discussion – Share your thought here!
Are you a male that has been through the eating disorder recovery process? What was helpful in your journey and in overcoming fear foods?
Last Updated & Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on June 2nd, 2015
Published on EatingDisorderHope.com