Neurobehavioral Therapy – NFB, CES, HRV, HEG, Chi Machine

Woman laying in grass thinking of treatment

Article Contributed by Deirdre Stewart, LPC, SEP, BCN, Director of Trauma Resolution Services of The Meadows Ranch

One of the most prevalent markers seen with eating disordered patients we treat is low Alpha. Therefore, the majority of devices in The Brain Center provide multi-level brain interventions all geared to increase the prevalence of Alpha Brainwave Activity.

This is the brainwave that allows for a calm and alert presence and is often referred to as the anchor or gear shift of the brain.

Without enough Alpha, individuals are prone to anxiety, depression, and an inability to experience full relaxation. The brain actually craves Alpha.

The other common aspect of all devices in The Brain Center is that they support increased brain/body connection. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a Senior Consultant for Meadow’s Behavioral Healthcare, insists in healing we must learn to ‘befriend our internal experience.’

A salient aspect of all of the devices, and specifically Neurofeedback is that patients are invited to become curious about their bodies, which are often times previously disowned parts of themselves.

The Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) is an entrainment device, which purposefully guides brain waves into a desired state, specifically Alpha. It is evidenced based and research has shown benefits for depression, anxiety and sleep, seasonal affective disorder, stress reduction, mood disorders, mental sharpness and memory and cognitive functioning.

Woman thinking about Neurobehavioral TherapyHeart Rate Variability (HRV), the beat-to-beat alteration in heart rate and offers a noninvasive portal into autonomic nervous system activity. This program provides second by second feedback, showing how various and differing thoughts impact emotional states, which in turn, impact our breathing pattern and heart rate. HRV Biofeedback is beneficial for teaching diaphragmatic breathing, which reduces stress and increases greater self-awareness of internal reactions.

Patients also receive Neurofeedback (NFB) sessions on the EEGer system, which trains voluntary regulation of localized neural activity using real-time feedback through a brain-computer interface.

Evidence has shown that NFB can be an effective adjunct to traditional Eating Disorder Treatment (1). This device also measures the patient’s baseline autonomic tone and helps to inform which devices might be most effective for their particular brainwave profile.

The Hemoencephalography Machine (HEG), another form of Neurofeedback, measures blood flow in the frontal region of the brain, and is especially helpful for the patients that are under-aroused, have too much slow wave activity in the pre-frontal cortex, have attention deficit and /or suffer from migraines.

Woman enjoying one of her hobbiesLastly, is the Chi Machine, which supports a gentle oscillatory movement and is experienced while patients are horizontal. This oscillation speed is most beneficial to the heart, circulation, immune system and digestion. Many eating disordered patients often times report decreased anxiety because they can feel and sense into their digestion process while on the Chi Machine.

In summary, The Brain Center consists of various devices and equipment geared to increase Alpha Wave frequency, leading to a more relaxed experience. Patients are also learning to gain conscious control over otherwise unconscious processes, emotional reactivity, and breath.

About the Author: Deirdre Stewart, LPC, SEP, BCN, is the Director of Trauma Resolution Services for Meadows Behavioral Healthcare. She holds a Bachelor of Communication from Pepperdine University, in Malibu, CA and received a Master’s in Counseling from The University of New England in New South Wales.

Stewart completed internships at South Pacific Private in Sydney, Australia; Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan, CT; and Family Behavioral Health IOP in Boca Raton, FL. She is a licensed professional in the state of Arizona and is trained in both EMDR and SE.

Deirdre’s training also includes Pia Mellody’s Post Induction Therapy and Inner Child and Feeling Reduction intensives. Before relocating back to the United States in 2008, Stewart was in private practice at Hong Kong Psychological Services in Hong Kong.


[1]: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention Nina Lackner, Human-Friedrich Unterrainer, Dimitris Skliris, Sandra Shaheen, Marguerite Dunitz-Scheer, Guilherme Wood, Peter Jaron Zwi Scheer, Sandra Johanna Wallner-Liebmann & Christa Neuper (2016): EEG neurofeedback effects in the treatment of adolescent anorexia nervosa, Eating Disorders ).

Article Contributed by Deirdre Stewart, LPC, SEP, BCN, Director of Trauma Resolution Services of The Meadows Ranch:

We at Eating Disorder Hope understand that eating disorders result from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. If you or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder, please know that there is hope for you, and seek immediate professional help.

Published on October 18, 2017.
Recently Reviewed By: Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC on July 2, 2018.
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